Sunday, March 21, 2010

Padmanabhanagar Prathinidhi Prashnothara

The event is over ! Wasn't very sure even if 50 people would turn up. Turns out there were close to 300. Many of them were probably supportes of their political wards. Still, I'd assume there were 250 genuine citizens with concerns.

Background : Padmanabhanagar senior citizen forum and Deccan International School Parents' association (DIPA) jointly hosted a Q & A session with all candidates contesting the 2010 BBMP corporation elections. This event was meant to bring like minded residents of Padmanabhanagar together for a constructive dialog before the elections.

After the customory invocation, welcome speech, lighting of the lamp, the citizen manifesto was presented to all candidates :

A Manifesto for Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore
2010 BBMP Elections

Parks and recreation spaces for children and Elders.
Footpaths and Traffic signals to help pedestrians as well as Vehicle riders.
Big infrastructure projects in consultation with local professionals and local consensus.
Make Padmanabhanagar Clean and Green.
Public and Private programs for Rain Water Harvesting and Ground water re-charge.
Infrastructure projects – First Consult, then Plan, and execute – ON TIME.
Periodic City Town Hall Meetings. With Citizen & Official participation. First hear and then solve grieviences.
Enforce BBMP City codes/rules – Banners, cut-outs, Advertisements, Public functions. One rule for all – Citizens, ruling/opposing politicial parties, religious outfits.

Date: March 21, 2010

Overall, I think it was quite a decent coversation with quite a few spirited 'oldies' and few green 'newbies'.
For me I discovered who the candidate I would have voted. Unfortunately, I'll not be able to vote since I'll be somewhere over the Atlantic ocean in mid-flight on election day.

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